Rodent Control

Rodents are vector for a number of vector-borne diseases such as plague, hantavirus, leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, etc. Rodents are also structural pests that often cause structural damages and food contamination.

The commensal rodents in Hong Kong mainly consists of the following three species (more on rodent biology…….):

  • The Norway Rat, Rattus norvegicus
  • The Roof Rat, Rattus rattus
  • The House Mouse, Mus musculus


Baguio Rodent Control services include rodent survey and management.


Rodent Survey

Rodent survey involves inspections to identify the following elements related to rodent infestation:

  • Infestation Signs
    Signs of rodent activities can usually be found in infested areas. With different behaviors, the signs could be rat burrows, rodent runways, droppings, urine stains, smear marks, gnawing marks, foot marks, rodent smell, live and dead rodents, etc. We could estimate the rodent species, populations, territories and duration of infestation according to the status, quantity and intensity of the detected rodent signs.
  • Species Identification
    Species causing the infestation could be identified with the rodent signs and the behaviors detected during rodent surveys. Species identification is important in selecting appropriate method to control the infestation.
  • Territories
    The territories of activity for rodents vary with different species. The territories for Norway rats are about 30 to 50 metres while that for house mice are ranging from 5 to 10 metres only. Inspections could find out the locations of the harborages, feeding places and activity areas of the rodents concerned. It is also necessary to find out whether the source of infestation is from inside or outside.
  • Cause of Infestation
    Effective rodent control measures can be assured with identified cause of infestation. Basically, rodent survey is a way to find out the sources of food and water, points of entry and harborages for the rodent infestation.



Rodent Control Management

After the rodent surveys, we will discuss with our clients on the survey results and recommend the appropriate control measures:

  • Environmental Control
    Maintain sanitation; clear garbage properly; and implement rodent proofing for building structures.
  • Mechanical Control
    To trap rodents by installation of cage traps, snap traps or glue boards at rodent runways.
  • Chemical Control
    Baiting with poisonous rodenticides is generally used to kill rodents in chemical control. Rodenticides may include acute poisons or anticoagulant poisons. Rodenticides with acute poisons are now rarely used since they are also more dangerous to human and animals. Anticoagulant rodenticides are used cautiously to eradicate rodent infestation and relevant safety precautions are taken as well. For example, the poisonous rodent bait will be placed inside covered containers in areas with people flow to avoid accidental contact.
  • Monitoring
    Regular monitoring is very important for prevention of recurrence of rodent infestation. Monitoring may include regular rodent surveys and installation of monitoring bait stations.


To learn more on Baguio Pest Control Services, please contact us.