Horticultural Maintenance

Superior horticultural maintenance enhances the overall beauty of a site and ensures a delightful experience for visitors. Typically, horticultural maintenance focuses on the upkeep of lawns, herbs, and shrubs. Regular grass cutting maintains a neat appearance, while periodic shaping of shrubs ensures they retain their desired form.

In addition, watering and fertilizing play vital roles in promoting plant growth and development. The watering schedule and fertilizing dosage should be tailored to each plant's specific needs, taking into account factors such as plant type and current conditions. Occasionally, the replenishment of organic matter becomes necessary to sustain soil vitality. Achieving a balanced nutrient profile and fostering healthy plant growth are the ultimate goals.

Furthermore, horticultural maintenance involves disease prevention. Thoroughly clearing weeds, including their roots, is essential to prevent weed regrowth and the choking of neighboring plants. Regular health checks conducted by knowledgeable professionals are crucial for early detection of plant diseases. If pests are found, integrated pest management techniques are employed for effective control. Pesticide applications, when necessary, are utilized as part of the integrated pest management approach.


Experience Professional Horticultural Maintenance with Baguio Landscaping:

  • Expert monitoring and execution by experienced horticulturists
  • Supply of high-quality plant materials from our nurseries
  • Assessment and selection of suitable turf species and landscape materials
  • Qualified arborists conducting tree risk assessments
  • Integrated pest management and pest control services for a hassle-free experience


To know more on Baguio Landscaping Services, please download our leaflet or contact us.