Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2022 Alaya Consulting Commendation for the Outstanding ESG Improvement Award
2022 Hong Kong Management Association Certificate of Excellence in Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting
2022 MTR Corporation Limited 2021香港客運服務「安全第一 質量至上」獎勵計劃 - 卓越人員大獎(承辦商) - 銀獎 (Chinese Only)
2022 The Federation of Hong Kong Industries Industry Cares 2022 - Caring Certificate (Enterprise Group)
2022 Green Council UNSDG Achievement Awards 2022 - Merit
2022 Green HK Advisory Committee Limited Green HK 2021 - Green Enterprise
2022 Employees Retraining Board ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme - Manpower Developer
2022 Bank of China & The Federation of Hong Kong Industries Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2021 - EcoPartner + EcoPioneer (5 Years +)
2022 JCI North District Mountain Clean 2022 - Green Sponsors
2022 Environmental Campaign Committee Certificated as Hong Kong Green Organisation