Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2022 World Green Organisation Green Office Award Labelling Scheme (GOALS)
2022 Green Council 21st Eco-Model Tournament - Certificate of Appreciation
2022 Environmental Campaign Committee Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification - Wastewi$e Certificate - Good Level
2022 Promoting Happiness Index Foundation Happiness at work 2022 - Happy Company
2022 Oriental Media Corporation Elite Listed Enterprise Award (Innovative Recycling)
2022 Green Council Hong Kong Green Awards 2022 Experience Sharing Seminar - Certificate
2022 Green Council Hong Kong Green Day 2022 - Certificate of Appreciation Bronze Sponsor
2022 Greeners Action Charter of the Lai See Reuse and Recycle Program 2022
2022 Green Road Green Road - Recycling Booth cum Environmental Education Workshop - Certificate of Appreciation
2022 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 5 years+ Caring Company 2021/22 - Tak Tai Enviroscape Limited