Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2020 Environmental Campaign Committee Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification - Wastewi$e Certificate - Excellence Level
2020 Employee Retraining Board (ERB) Manpower Developer Award Scheme - Manpower Developer
2020 7-Eleven - Combined Distribution Centre Certificate of Occupational Safety & Health
2020 Hong Kong International Airport Appreciation of participation - Airfield and Baggage Hall Safety Campaign 2019
2020 Sun Fook Kong Construction Group Sun Fook Kong Safety Awards Scheme 2019 - Certificate to Zero Accident Achievement (Apr ~ Sept 2019)
2020 Sun Fook Kong Construction Group Sun Fook Kong Safety Awards Scheme 2019 - Certificate to Zero Accident Achievement (Oct 2018 ~ Mar 2019)
2019 Cathay Pacific Services Ltd Appreciation of the outstanding safety performance - 2018 Zero Injury Award
2019 CEC‧CCC Joint Venture Certificate of Excellence - Outstanding Subcontractor
2019 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business Partner Employer Award (5+)
2019 Green Council Corporate Green Governance Award - Corporate Vision