Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2019 ISA Hong Kong Chapter In appreciation for supporting to Hong Kong Tree Climbing Championship 2019
2019 Alaya Consulting Best ESG Report Small Cap Commendation
2019 World Green Organisation Certificate of Appreciation - WGO 7th Anniversary Dinner Banquet
2019 The Federation of Hong Kong Industries "Industry Cares" 2019 - 3+ year award (Enterprise Group)
2019 Hong Kong Management Association Award for Excellence in Training and Development 2019 - Best in Workforce Upskilling
2019 Environmental Campaign Committee Certificated as Hong Kong Green Organisation
2019 Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong Appreciation of Sponsorship - Horticulture & Landscaping Mgt. scholarship
2019 World Green Organisation Green Office Award Labelling Scheme (GOALS)
2019 Green Council Hong Kong Green Day 2019 - Certificate of Appreciation Bronze Sponsor
2019 Bank of China & The Federation of Hong Kong Industries Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2018 - EcoPartner + EcoPioneer (3 Years +)