Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2018 Occupation Safety & Health Council and Labour Department Safety Quiz 2018 - Participation Certificate
2018 World Green Organisation Green Office and Eco-Healthy Workplace Awards Labelling Scheme
2018 Education Bureau The Government of the HKSAR QF Star Employer (Qualifications Framework)
2018 Environmental Campaign Committee Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence - Certificate of Merit (Manufacturing and Industrial Services)
2018 Employee Retraining Board (ERB) Manpower Developer Award Scheme - Manpower Developer
2018 Hong Kong International Airport HKIA Environmental Management Recognition Scheme - Excellent Class - Merit Award
2018 Environmental Campaign Committee Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification - Wastewi$e Certificate - Excellence Level
2018 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services Caring for Communities Award 2017
2018 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 5 years+ Caring Company 2017/18 - Baguio Cleaning Services Company Limited
2018 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 5 years+ Caring Company 2017/18 - Baguio Landscaping Services Limited