Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2017 Employee Retraining Board (ERB) ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme
2017 LEO Club of Kowloon Tong & Trend Catering Limited Certificate of Appreciation - Volunteer Service
2017 World Green Organisation WGO 4th Anniversary cum Symposium Dinner - Certificate of Appreciation
2017 Sun Fook Kong Construction Group Sun Fook Kong Safety Awards Scheme 2016 - Certificate to Zero Accident Achievement (Oct 2015 ~ Mar 2016)
2017 Sun Fook Kong Construction Group Sun Fook Kong Safety Awards Scheme 2016 - Certificate to Zero Accident Achievement (Apr ~ Sept 2016)
2016 Green Council Hong Kong Green Award 2016 - Sustained Performance 7+
2016 Green Council Hong Kong Green Award 2016 - Environmental, Health & Safety (Large Corporation) - Gold
2016 The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities 18 Districts Caring Employers 2016 Award - Special Award for being awarded for 5 consecutive years or above
2016 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Smaill and Medium Business Partner Employer Award
2016 The Government of HKSAR - Environment Bureau Friends of Eco Park Certificate of Appreciation