Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2018 Sower Action Corporate Team Fundraising - Silver Award (Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours - Charity Marathon 2017)
2018 Sower Action Corporate Participation - Bronze Award (Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours - Charity Marathon 2017)
2018 Green Council Certificate of Appreciation - Green Run 2018
2018 Hong Kong International Airport Appreciation for Participation in Airfield and Baggage Hall Safety Campaign 2017
2017 The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities 18 Districts Caring Employers 2017 Award - Special Award for being awarded for 5 consecutive years or above
2017 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Smaill and Medium Business Partner Employer Award (5+)
2017 Hong Kong Economic Journal & PR ASIA Listed Company Award of Excellence 2017 (Main Board)
2017 World Green Organisation Sustainable Business Award 2017
2017 The Federation of Hong Kong Industries "Industry Cares" 2017 - Caring Certificate
2017 Environmental Campaign Committee Wastewi$e Certificate - Excellence Level