Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2016 The Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB), The Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabili Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme
2016 The Federation of Hong Kong Industries "Industry Cares" 2016 - Caring Certificate
2016 Occupation Safety & Health Council and Labour Department Safety Quiz 2016 - Participation Certificate
2016 The Society of Rehabilitation & Crime Prevention, HK Benevolent Employers of Rehabilitated Offenders
2016 Junior Chamber International Hong Kong (JCI) Better World Company Logo
2016 World Green Organisation Green Office Award - Labelling Scheme
2016 Bank of China & The Federation of Hong Kong Industries Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2015 - ECO Challenger
2016 Employee Retraining Board (ERB) Manpower Developer Award Scheme
2016 Hong Kong Council of Social Service Caring Company - Tak Tai Enviroscape Limited
2016 Hong Kong Council of Social Service Caring Company - Baguio Green Group