Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2014 Hong Kong Chamber of Small and Medium Business Partner Employer Award 2014/15
2014 RoadShow Best Loved Brands Awards - Integrated Environmental Service
2014 Mediazone Group Hong Kong’s Most Valuable Companies Awards 2015
2014 Metro Prosperity Prime Awards for Brand Excellence 2014
2014 World Green Organisation (WGO) “Green Office” Label
2014 Metro Prosperity Prime Awards for Eco-Business
2014 China, HK, Macau and Taiwan Environmental Protection Association 綠色中國2014環保成就獎
2014 Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Hong Kong Benevolent Employers of Rehabilitated Offenders
2014 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Caring Company - Baguio Cleaning Services Company Limited
2014 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Caring Company - Baguio Landscaping Services Limited