Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2019 Environmental Campaign Committee Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence - Certificate of Merit (Manufacturing and Industrial Services)
2019 Sun Fook Kong Construction Group Sun Fook Kong Safety Awards Scheme 2018 - Certificate to Zero Accident Achievement (Apr ~ Sept 2018)
2019 Sun Fook Kong Construction Group Sun Fook Kong Safety Awards Scheme 2018 - Certificate to Zero Accident Achievement (Oct 2017 ~ Mar 2018)
2019 Green Council Certificate of Appreciation in Green Run 2019 Silver Sponsor
2019 People Service Centre Certificate of Appreciation – "Food Friend Action"
2019 The Neighborhood Advice-Action Council Certificate of Appreciation – Career Counseling Service
2019 Environmental Campaign Committee Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification - Wastewi$e Certificate - Excellence Level
2019 Green Council Green Carnival 2019 - Certificate of Appreciation
2019 Hong Kong International Airport Appreciation of participation - Airfield and Baggage Hall Safety Campaign 2018
2019 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 5 years+ Caring Company 2018/19- Tak Tai Enviroscape Limited