Confidential Wastes Destruction Service

The handling of personal data privacy, confidential information and sensitive products are common in commercial society. In order to protect the organization from the legal problem and maintain the corporate image, the confidential / sensitive information and materials should be destroyed properly. With the experience in serving the government, public and private organizations over 30 years in various projects, Baguio’s Confidential Wastes Destruction Service (CWDS) provides the professional, efficient, secure and reliable one-stop solution in destroying the confidential / sensitive information and materials to avoid the leakage of such information and materials. We provide the destruction services in:

  • Confidential information (documents, CDs & hard disks)
  • Waste Glass 
  • Product samples
  • Defected or expired goods
  • Port Withdrawal materials
  • Intellectual property products
  • Fake / Pirated products
  • Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Check out our destruction service video

Competitive Edge:

  • One-stop service:
    • The whole process (from collection, transportation, destruction and recycling) is handled by well-trained staff and the materials are transported by Baguio’s truck
  • Unrivalled experience:
    • Serving the government, public and private organizations over 30 years in various projects
  • State-of-the-art monitoring system:
    • The safety and efficiency of the destruction procedures are greatly enhanced by RFID technology, GPS and CCTV devices
  • Shredded materials reach European Security Standard:
    • Shredded materials are in irregular shape and reach the European Security Standard P4 (6x25mm) or P5 (2x15mm)
normal shredding P4(6x5mm) P5(2x15mm)
Normal shredding machine, rectangular shape and easy to restore European Security Standard – P4, irregular shape (6x25mm) European Security Standard – P5, irregular shape (2x15mm)

Above shredded materials are collected from paper documents.


Work flow:

If you have any enquiries about Baguio's Confidential Destruction Services, please contact us for more information.

Tel        2541 3388
